


Stan Lee obituary


The comic book writer Stan Lee, who has died aged 95, revolutionised his industry in the 1960s, when he created the mythic figures that are still inspiring new generations to flock tothe cinema. Lee’s creations—the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, most of the Avengers (Hulk, Iron Man, Thor), Daredevil and Doctor Strange—helped to rescue the costumed superhero from obscurity and to usher in the silver age of American comic books.

漫画书作者斯坦·李与世长辞,享年 95 岁。在 20 世纪 60 年代,他曾使漫画行业发生了革命性的巨变,彼时他创作的虚构人物,直到今天还鼓舞着一代又一代的后辈们涌向电影院。李创造的形象:X 战警,神奇四侠,大部分复仇者联盟成员(浩克,钢铁侠,雷神),夜魔侠还有奇异博士,帮忙挽救了身着制服的超级英雄形象,使他们不再默默无闻,还助力开启了美国漫画书的白银时代。

But it was a radioactive spider that was responsible for Lee’s most popular creation. To many, Spider-Man was not about fighting malformed or transmuted enemies such as the Green Goblin or the Lizard but about Peter Parker, a shy, bullied young boy with a crush on a beautiful girl from his school but who lacks the confidence to ask her out.


Lee was allowed to give his characters flaws and, where superheroes had previously immediately embraced their powers, his heroes were often reluctant. Lee gave his characters voices, with pithy catchphrases—“Flame on!”, “Hulk smash!”, “It’s clobberin’ time!”—and pages litteredwith thought balloons out of which would grow some truth that the hero needed to learn, not the least of which was Peter Parker’s: “With great power there must also come great responsibility”.


In a 1965 Esquire poll, Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk were ranked alongside Bob Dylan and Che Guevara as the favourite revolutionary icons among college students. Lee once said: “Our goal is that someday an intelligent adult would not be embarrassed to walk down the street with a comic magazine. I don’t know whether we can ever bring this off, but it’s something to shoot for.”

1965 年《君子》杂志发起的一项投票显示,在大学生群体中,蜘蛛侠,无敌浩克,同时还有鲍勃·迪伦和切·格瓦拉,被评为最受人喜爱的革命性人物代表。李曾经说过:“我们的目标是,终有一天,一位才智过人的成年人,就算手拿一本漫画杂志走在街头,也不会觉得尴尬。我不知道我们能不能实现这件事,但它不失为一个目标。”

—————  文章来源 / 卫报 
